
Wayfaring Stranger

Big Brother is watching ...

Orlando International Airport announced plans for a "Known Traveler" program recently, and that could mean just about anyone willing to undergo a background check will get access to priority lines now reserved for frequent fliers and business-class travelers.

Combine Orlando with the government's "Registered Traveler" program, and airlines' own efforts to please valued customers with priority lanes, and the question is: Who will be left waiting in the regular line?
The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority is now seeking proposals from companies to develop a biometric system to identify travelers who've undergone background checks, said spokeswoman Carolyn Fennell.

"Registered Traveler", biometrics, yikes!! 3 things come to mind:

  1. Revelations. You know ... end of the world, mark of the beast, that kind of thing. Register your finger print or you dont fly, or shop, or eatout, or etc...
  2. Communism. In Russia, everybody still needs to register when traveling (Russians as well as tourists). A Communism hold over.
  3. Terminator. How long till these biometrics take over and decide to exterminate humans?

Ok, not so much #3; but I find this trend very disturbing. Americans are more and more "pliable" about giving up freedoms and personal information. I can see this setting the stage for a lot of what is in Revelations. Big Brother is watching ...

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